Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Monday and Service Groups!

Good Morning from Woodlawn!

Monday was our first service day! These groups will serve together every morning this week and there are 4  groups this year. 1 group is serving at a local elementary school and they are helping with any tasks that the school needs as they wrap up the school year as well as participate in gym and recess with the students! One group is serving at Living Hope Church by painting and preparing an apartment for one of their community initiatives, repairing donated bikes, and doing maintenance projects to prepare for their summer youth programs. The third group is working on a community gardening and beautification project that includes both landscaping and art! The fourth group served at Sunshine yesterday to assist with cleaning and organizing projects and today they begin work on renovations for a newly purchased house including landscaping and construction.

The groups are listed below so you can be praying for them!

After service groups, we toured Pacific Garden Mission, which is the largest homeless shelter in the country, to learn more about how this ministry is striving to be the hands and feet of Jesus by caring for the poor.

At our evening session we had a time of worship through music and we were blessed to hear a message from Joel Hamernick and his passion and love for the city shone through his message from Jeremiah 29 on seeking the shalom of the city.

It was an awesome first day of service. We beat the heat and the kids are doing great!

Thanks for your prayers and support!


Elementary School Group
Leaders: Anna Maria, Hamdi, Doug
1. Lena K
2. Faith R
3. Quinn S
4. Connor M
5. Drew H
6. Tatum B
7. Sammi M
8. Sydney K
9. Trent K
10. Emma S
11. Suzy S
12. Britta C
13. Hayley A
14. Kathryn M
15. Oliver F
16. Sami L
17. Annika L

Living Hope Group
Leaders: Joel and Kathy
1. Grace T
2. Anna F
3. Abbie G
4. Ellicia W
5. Dana B
6. Corinne E
7. Kiernan M
8. Ellie J
9. Austin M
10. Sydney H

Community Gardening/Beautification Group
Leaders: Jen and Alayne
1. Gillian N
2. Greta B
3. Michaela E
4. David B
5. Reed K
6. Noah J
7. Grace W
8. Allie P
9. Jamie S
10. Carly M

Sunshine/House Renovation Group
Leaders: Heidi and Pepe
1. Aja A
2. Jackson P
3. Eric T
4. Ally B
5. Katie S
6. Josh K
7. Rebecca M
8. Aidan St. G
9. Josh T
10. Bailey P


  1. Hey Sam! It's so good to see your smiling face! Being in the school is a perfect way for you to help...you always liked recess the best!
    Your brother left for Kansas City today...he said to say to goodbye and hopes we will all go down there to visit in about a month.
    I hope and pray you are all finding connections with your teammates and the people you are helping. This can be a life-changing experience.
    Love,mom and dad

  2. Chicago Team! What an amazing thing you are doing by selflessly serving for Christ and His Kingdom! You are not only changing and learning so much about yourselves but changing lives! You will be rewarded as you see Jesus one day! We are daily praying Joshua 1:9 over each of you....."Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, for the Lord your God goes with you wherever you go."
    Tate!! oh how we miss our "cheerful one" here at home! love your bubbly self making each of us smile and feel good about us! You are so good at that!
    Summit can't wait for you to be home, he checks your bed a few times a night but makes his way back to Jacks bed.
    Thank you for making a difference in others lives that are not as blessed as we are! We LOVE you Baby! Can't wait to hug you!!! XOXOXOXO Dad, Mom, Aust, Jackie and Summit

  3. ALLY JANE!! I see you're working on a house crew. Learn lots and bring home your new landscaping and construction talents. Never know what we may want to do at home :) Show off your great 'helper' skills each day.
    Our house is extra quiet now that all the foster kids left to their new summer place. It went well, so we are Thankful for that. Mom's just sitting around eating bon bon's now after that whirlwind. :)
    Keep hydrated my fainting queen.... drink water.. more than you think you should. Last night Mrs. Meadows was at the house at 9pm so I prayed for you all with her. The night before I was at Grandma's house at 9pm so I prayed for you all with her. Wonder who I'll be with tonight at 9pm?? Thursday night it will be Shell Bell. :)
    Make the most of each day as you 'Go and make discipes of all nations" Matthew 28:19. Bless you and Love you! Mama Moooo

  4. Aja doing renovations?! Hey kiddo, I got some siding, framing, tile, plumbing electrical and window work for you when you get back. Make sure you pay attention down there and learn a lot so you can help your dad out when you get home!

    We miss you and love seeing the pictures of you working hard and smiling big :) Keep up the good work and know that you are making a difference in peoples lives everyday with your positive energy and God's love in your heart...

    Love you sooo much and couldn't be prouder of you,
    Dad and Mommy

  5. Connor,

    Looks like you are having fun, working hard, serving the Lord by serving others. We are so proud of you and how you are choosing to be Light in this world. Enjoy the rest of your time in Chicago. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

    Dad + Mom + Tyler

  6. Gilly-Goat. Love you. So good to "see" you on this blog ❤️❤️❤️ Getting ready for the grad party and I'll take lots of pics and videos. I should probs charge the camera battery now. I miss you like crazy. Praying you are seeing God work and can't wait to hear all about it. XOXO

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hola Ham! We miss you & PB like crazy! So proud of all of you for this Kingdom work! Every night we pray for you guys at 8 pm. We can't wait to hear about your adventures. VBS has been fun & tonite was Cara's grad party. Their whole family said to say hi to you guys, including Ken's parents, in from FL. All well here but will be better once you and Papa Bear are back in Casa Martín. xoxoxoxo

  9. Hi Aidan,
    We're thinking about you and praying for you and the whole team. I miss running with you, or well rather, running at the same time as you. You know I can never keep up.
    We were awakened the last two mornings by the pink and purple worms wanting to crawl into our bed and snuggle us. They miss you too!
    God is so alive and moving in hearts and minds this summer. We are praying you are all touched by his love.
    Love, Mom

  10. Hi my sweetness! (Greta). I see you found a way to get your hands in the dirt! What a perfect match! I hope you are staying cool. It is 51 degrees and windy in Duluth tonight. Bliss!!! The puppy is having a sleepover at Grandmas. I love seeing all of the beautiful smiles and all of the great work you ALL are doing. I am so proud of you all!!! I pray for you all every day!!!!! Greta...it sure is quiet at home without you. We cant wait until you get home with stories to share!!! We love you so much!!!

  11. Hi my sweetness! (Greta). I see you found a way to get your hands in the dirt! What a perfect match! I hope you are staying cool. It is 51 degrees and windy in Duluth tonight. Bliss!!! The puppy is having a sleepover at Grandmas. I love seeing all of the beautiful smiles and all of the great work you ALL are doing. I am so proud of you all!!! I pray for you all every day!!!!! Greta...it sure is quiet at home without you. We cant wait until you get home with stories to share!!! We love you so much!!!

  12. Abbi-Doodle!
    What a great day you must have had. We think your work group sounds perfect for you. We know that you love to jump in, work hard and get your hands dirty.

    You're not missing much here. P has four friends spending the night, so you're probably getting more sleep in Chicago. Even with five boys here, our house is lonely and quiet without you. We miss your laugh.

    Praying for God's hand on your work and on your heart. May your team feel God's presence every moment.

    You are so loved.
    Mom and Dad, Tori and P

  13. Hi Noah! We miss you! You surely would be laughing at me as this is the third time I have tried to leave a comment. I miss your tech support! Everything is good here, quiet without you and your brothers. Everyday I look forward to reading the blog about what you are doing and seeing the pictures. I am excited you have this opportunity to serve. I pray God continues to grow and stretch each one of you as you work in Chicago. I also pray God continues to reveal Himself to you in more and more ways. We serve an amazing God. Love you and can't wait to see you on Saturday!
